Monday, June 1, 2015

Review: Legendary by The Summer Set

From Wikipedia
Words By: Emily Racanelli

Legendary: Emotions Gone Wild

Computer generated hooks infused with a pulsatingly clean snare drum and the distinctly high vocals of lead singer Brian Logan Dales mash together to create an album that is--excuse my corniness--very much so legendary. This third studio album from the Arizona quintet stands out because it is a far cry from what Fearless Records usually endorses. Think about it, the chunk of their lineup is hardcore screamo bands such as August Burns Red, and breakup song connoisseurs like Mayday Parade. The Summer Set manage to weave their way into a scene set on sadness and head- banging, eloquently establishing themselves as the kings (and queen) of marketable mainstream pop with a hint of feels. Basically, they are doing what no one else has done before--ergo the legendary thing.

Speaking of legendary, it is that title-track which encapsulates the “feels” section of The Summer Set’s repertoire. The chorus reveals the truth of what we all go through in that teenage stage of life, feeling lost and unmotivated, isolating ourselves from the outside world. Dales sings, “I’ve spent too many nights watching How I Met Your Mother alone/Now I’m searching for my yellow umbrella, hoping I’ll take her home.” Yes, the message is as straightforward as it sounds. We spend our nights escaping reality via Netflix, hoping that if we are immersed in fictional characters, all of that emotional pain will go away. As Dales has stated in live performances, this song is about saying no when Netflix asks if you want to continue on to the next episode. It is that little ounce of inspiration we need to face the tribulations in our lives. After all, “we all just wanna be legendary” and that can’t be accomplished by binge watching HIMYM for 12 hours.

TSS couldn’t have said it any better, because we do in fact want to leave a mark on the world, and what better way to do so than by making the most of every second with the ones we love? “Lightning In A Bottle” is the ultimate ‘live in the moment’ pop anthem, with arguably the best chorus Dales has ever written, “We’re catching lightning in a bottle/Don’t give a f**k about tomorrow!” Is it simple? Yes, but it’s about reading between the lines. Let’s be honest, albeit cathartic, pop punk music can still leave you feeling sad and misunderstood. The beauty of TSS is that you can have 3 minutes to put aside everything else that plagues you, and just dance around your room screaming about how nothing else matters except right here and right now. Will it solve all your issues? No, but it will provide that desperately needed bit of happiness to get you through the rest of day.

Staying on track with the uplifting spirit TSS is known for, I’ll jump over to the top single from Legendary, “Boomerang.” It exemplifies that the quintet is not dependent on the loops they produce with their Macbook, but can also muster up a solid instrument-driven song as well. It begins with a classic bass/snare rock beat from drummer Jess Bowen. She crescendos into a snare fill-in that transitions in the chorus, which most people may consider the highlight of the song. It is indeed very catchy, stating, “If I was Jay-Z, you’d be my Beyonce, we could rock the nation like they do/And if I was Da Vinci, you’d be Mona Lisa, paint a smile perfectly on you.” How could you not want to dance around to that?! However, I think the most credit for this one should be given to Bowen. Not only is she a female drummer (which is a rarity in the music scene), but an incredibly talented one. Listen closely to the tune and you’ll notice her kick speed on the bass drum as well as a few fills that will explode your ear drums during the lulls in the song. Some of the other music takes away from her capabilities, being infused by electronics. But make no mistake, this girl knows how to do much more than keep a back beat. (I recommend going on Fearless Records’ Youtube channel and watching the video in which Bowen and Dales each play the drums to “Boomerang.”)

All that talk of breaking free of the spell cast by Netflix and living in the moment culminates in the song “F**k U Over” which sings of having fun and not being tied down by commitment. This one relates to the teenage generation more than any other, as it is a time to explore the world and not get hooked on someone or something that could drag you down. It goes, “I didn’t mean to f**k you over/I just wanna have some fun/We can rock the world tonight, but no it doesn’t have to be love.” I am a purveyor of love as much as the next romantic, but sometimes it’s about just going after what you want and not worrying about your status with that person a month from now. It is a confession that we all make mistakes and lead people on, but that’s just part of being young. The opening lines admit to this fault in our human nature, saying “Let me set it straight, I’ve done some sh*t/And maybe I ain’t too proud of it.” Fear not, whatever you have done can be left in the past. Enjoy the moment and remember that there are always second chances.

This is best described in “Maybe Tonight,” shedding light on the fact that all the stuff that messed you up can be kept behind, because “Maybe tonight we’ll start all over/Like it’s the first day of our lives.” There’s no point in being caught up on what made you feel broken and empty yesterday; we have to move ahead and make the most of life going forward. Guilt can’t change the past, and worrying won’t change the future.

The succession of messages provide by The Summer Set is what makes Legendary a go-to album for whatever feeling is trapped inside your chest. It supplies enough electro-tinged pop to put you in a good mood, but with heavy lyrics to make you feel less alone. Balance--something that is the goal for all music--is achieved in every sense of the word, making this a record that will live on for years to come.

You can catch The Summer Set supporting Sleeping With Sirens on the We Like It Quiet Acoustic Tour this summer!

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