Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Review: My American Dream by Cheap Haircuts

Review by: Emma Comeaux

Cheap Haircuts is a band that can pull off many different genres of music but you can count on them for realistic and relatable music. A lot of people fall in love with Cheap Haircut’s because of the lyrics. They’re not the best band, they don’t have the best vocals, and they don’t have insane musical talent, but they are hard working and relatable. Brought up from the ground and into the lime light, even if the lime light in this case is a small amount of fans.

The Blue Album - The kickoff song for the album “My American Dream” The Blue Album is an upbeat song with bouncing piano notes and fantastic drumming. A pushy vibe and an edge of regret through the lyrics change the song completely, but the quality is the best.

Board Games - The trumpet in this song shows the folk side of Cheap Haircut’s music, as the album progresses we will see more folk emerging into their music taste.

Elton John - A change of pace that slows down the album, this song is about bravery. The lyrics and effort put into the song are what makes this real. Cheap Haircut’s is a “coming of age” band. We’ve all been through growing up, or are in the process of growing up and our own personal position changes our views of Cheap Haircut’s songs.

I Am a Diver, You Are a Shallow Pool - This is the first song I heard by Cheap Haircut’s and is still to this day one of my favorite songs. Falling in love with someone who isn’t really sad but isn’t really happy is one of the most difficult things ever. Being jealous and being in love, does it compare to not having the person you really want? The piano in all of these songs is outstanding, and completely transforms the songs.

Motel 6 - Leaving people you’ve known your whole life is difficult, but sometimes you have to cut off all the negativity in your life. But sometimes you’re just scared of the relationships you’re in, or stuck in, or coming close to. A song about lessons and getting naked in the Motel 6, it’ll change your life. Well the lesson will, not the Motel 6…

FDR - “I think I’m single handedly holding up the industry for pain medication and junk food.” Finding out things aren’t the same as the impression you were under is hard, but listening to this while you figure it out makes it just a little less difficult.With killer piano tunes, and emotional vocals you’ll fall in love with the teenage angst.

My American Dream - “My American dream is to not do anything.” Just to shut down and take time away from the world for your birthday, and write this song of course. Knowing better doesn’t mean you’ll do better.

Texas Hold ‘Em - We do things we know are bad for us, and we do them repetitively. It’s alright to mess up, it’s alright to be a screw up. It’s not easy to get old and figure out the real world, but you’re going to make it out. I couldn’t think of a better ending for this album and the entire thing was well thought out and planned. The music and emotions flowed well together.

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